Saturday, 22 September 2012

Subject Matter Expert.....!

With all our realizations it was imperative to test the waters and keep a check with correctness of our base understanding as our idea construct was soon going to transform into pillars. On this note, we approached Dr. June a Computer Science department professor having years of expertise on Smart technology and Cloud Computing.

She is also currently a user of a smart phone which helped us get more insight about real time usage of such devices.

This is what she had to say….

“What according to you is the well-established method of communication and networking in contemporary times?”

Communication as such depends on the channel used and the style implemented. In terms of technological advent obviously computers and mobile phones are there which have been upgraded to laptops and smart phones coagulating digital media which not only allows communication but also helps in networking and information transfer.

"Could you elaborate more on “smart” aspect of smart phones?"

Smart as in the system is becoming more and more self-sustaining with the dependency switching over from the user to the system. Basically our outlook towards data has become more than just packets of information.

"Talking about this transition from user to system what is your opinion about Cloud Computing?"

Ah! Cloud computing is a highly debatable topic with the major concerns over security of information. Leaving that aside, its impact will definitely match to the levels of introduction to the internet as such.

"Could you please elaborate?"

Think of it this way that if I require a book which might be very costly or having such other constraints then I could very well rent it from a nearby library at much lower cost. Cloud computing is something like that. It avails information at the user end without the user end server having to go through all the processing. This enhances speed as well.

"Do you mean to say it optimizes?"

Yes definitely. Actually optimization including cost as well is one of the major advantages of cloud computing.

"Do you think everyone will be comfortable with this?"

Like I said, there are major concerns over security and reliability of cloud computing so big companies might hesitate in using such technology.

"And the user end?"

Talking about the users they would definitely benefit from this like in the fields of education, healthcare, social networking or even be it travelling to a foreign land…

After these fruitful insights we realized we hit the nail on the head with optimization. We even got to know about the drawbacks but we continued to focus on our idea......

Professor June was not comfortable with videography so we could only take photographs...

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